Thursday, January 3, 2013

Talk About Life Marching On...

Just in case you hadn't heard... it's 2013.  That means I've been away from this blog for almost five months.

There's been a fair bit of moping, some high points, a lot of freaking out, and even more nothing. Mostly, though, there has been plan after plan.  How to pay off my loans so I can just take off with no responsibility.  How to find a position that might turn into a career that's fulfilling.  How to stay as far away from positions that might turn into a career as possible.  How to get out of the country.  How to make Peace Corps love me again.

And here's what I've come up with so far:

I'm going to somehow pay off as much of my loans as possible (right now that means working for the women's active section of Nordstrom at Arden Fair Mall) and then take off come late April/early May for a solo hike of approximately 2/3-3/4 of the Pacific Crest Trail.
Yes, you've read right and no this does not solve any of my life/career crises.


Well after the PCT there are a million plans still waiting for me.  Maybe back to Israel for Israel Corps, maybe get up the courage to turn in that Fulbright Application, maybe move to West Africa to learn about rice production, maybe apply to be a Kiva fellow, maybe take off to Patagonia or Cuba... maybe do any number of insane/marginally productive things.  All are contingent on a million and one things falling into place and are really too much for me to think about on days like today.

But what I do know is that I have inexplicably signed myself up for an approximately 2000 mile hike this summer alone for very little reason and it's become really important for me that it happen and that I finally go through with one of my genuinely stupid plans.

So I've been working on it and I have a rough plan (which I can post if anyone is super duper curious).  Start and end dates.  Most likely resupply and water points.  Elevations.  Daily mileage.  Chances are that 95% of this is going to get thrown out on the trail but working on it and talking to people on the PCT trail forums makes me feel so much less alone in Sacramento. So much less stuck.  So wish me luck on the trail!  I'll need it!

A bit about the blog:  I know I'm not abroad anymore so my blog isn't particularly aptly named on the surface but heck if the US doesn't seem more foreign to me now than anywhere else I've been recently.  I still feel as if I'm traveling or just passing through.  And I really can't bear deleting the old posts or changing to an America-centric blog.  So perhaps the title and description will change with time but the blog is going to stay.  I promise I won't drop off of the grid anymore and will update everyone on my life from now on.

Sorry for the extreme radio silence!

All my love from Sacramento!